Hallie Jordan: Finding Help for PCOS Amid the Noise

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When psychologist and long-distance runner Hallie Jordan was diagnosed with PCOS, she did what any reasonable person would do: research. However she quickly learned that not all information is created equal. Frustrated, she turned to Allara to cut through the noise and get real, fact-based treatment, “I sought out Allara specifically because there is so much misinformation out there between social media and the internet at large.” Read on to learn more about how working with Allara helped Hallie finally untangle a mess of confusing symptoms, heal her relationship with food, and start a family.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Hallie; I am a psychologist, long-distance runner and cyclist who loves spending time outdoors and moving my body. I currently live in Pensacola with my husband. 

What was it like when you were first diagnosed with PCOS?

I was 29 when I was diagnosed with PCOS. Before that, I had been on hormonal birth control for over ten years. All of a sudden, I had all of these confusing symptoms: I gained 15 lbs, irregular periods, acne and mood swings. I even ended up in the emergency room when an ovarian cyst ruptured. I had anxiety, and these new-found symptoms were wrecking my self-esteem. At the time, my husband and I wanted to have children, so I went and had lab work done. When my lab results came back normal, I was upset– it felt like my body was betraying me.

Why did you decide to sign up for Allara?

After I learned about PCOS, I started looking for holistic ways to manage my symptoms. I sought out Allara specifically because there is so much misinformation out there on the internet and social media. It feels like there's an influencer on every corner telling you what you need to do for "optimal hormone health," but they have little to no science to back up their claims. I was (and still am) open to medication and supplements, but I wanted someone to guide me with evidence-based lifestyle changes that would consider my body’s needs, help manage my symptoms and support my fertility journey. 

How has your experience been with Allara?

Allara is amazing! The doctor I work with is incredibly validating and supports my goals. Instead of telling me what I should do, we discussed all of my options. More importantly, we talked about the research behind each option. Then, we chose the treatment plan best aligned with my goals. One aspect I really appreciated was working with a registered dietitian who helped me unearth and navigate complicated dynamics in my relationship with food. Working with my RD, I learned to use food to nourish, heal, and honor my body's needs. No stone was left unturned with my personalized treatment plan–we talked about nutrition, movement, sleep, mental health, social support, and medications. Allara truly takes a holistic approach to healing your hormonal health. Four months after I started working with Allara, I took a pregnancy test, and it came back positive. It’s been a great experience!

What valuable advice have you been given during your hormonal health journey?

Listen to your body. As high-achieving women, we often get so busy that we learn to ignore our bodies' needs. Sometimes, we go too long without eating or don’t stop for rest. We ignore our internal cues and instincts about something being wrong, but our bodies are trying to tell us something. When we slow down a bit and tune in, we receive invaluable information that we can use to better support our entire selves.

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“I was given an explanation of how my hormonal imbalance was affecting me as a whole - body & mind - & tools so that we could start to manage my condition. I am happy to announce after a year of trying, I found out that I was pregnant & I couldn’t be happier!”

Real Allara Member

“This is genuinely the first time in my 7 years of being diagnosed, that I have felt seen and heard.”

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“The Allara Community gives me the courage and support to continue my PCOS journey - I am never afraid to ask the hard questions and love hearing from other women with the same challenges.”

Real Allara Member

"Dr. Henigsman went above and beyond making sure I had all the necessary tests, but also tremendously helped me in understanding my diagnosis, helping me change my lifestyle, and making sure I get the treatment I deserve."

Real Allara Member

"Before Allara I had no real direction or understanding of what it meant to have PCOS. Now I have a team of people that take time to explain every single thing to me, ask me how I feel and let me be apart of my treatment plan and I’ve lost 55 pounds."

Real Allara Member